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5 MHz Handheld Mini DSO Oscilloscope 35906 TE

5 MHz Handheld Mini DSO Oscilloscope with 1-10x Probe
5 MHz Handheld Mini DSO Oscilloscope with 1-10x Probe
Stock No: 35906 TE

Full function, high performance handheld mini oscilloscope with high resolution 2.4 inch 320x240 LCD screen. 3hr. run time on charged battery One button AUTO, the waveform can be displayed without complicated adjustments. Waveform file manager supports thumbnail browsing, viewing, detail view, delete and other functions. Day mode (White Background) and Night mode (Black Background) Measures up to 11 parameters:VPP, Vmax, Vmin, Vavg, Vrms, Frequency, Duty+, Duty-, Time+, Time-, Time Analog bandwidth: 5MHz ADC precision: 8bits Maximum real time sampling rate: 20MS/s Vertical sensitivity: 50 mV/div ~ 200 V/div Input: BNC Jack Input impeadance: 1Mohm Horizontal time base range: 50S/div ~ 250nS/div Trigger: Single, Normal or Automatic Trigger Edge: Selectable Rising or Falling Coupling: AC or DC Maximum Input Voltage: 40V (1X probe), 800 V (10X probe) AC, DC or DC+AC) Memory: 16M storage space, 500 waveform pictures max Power supply: 1200 mAh lithium battery Includes 5ft. USB Charger cable, 20in. Alligator Clip cable Padded Plastic Storage Case