Extruded Aluminum Enclosures


An Extruded Aluminum Enclosure gives you the ability to have looks as well as full function and protection of your product. Drawn through a die shaped as needed, extruded lends itself to hollow and open profiles and is cut into various lengths. Circuit boards are “slid” into grooves in the profile and sheet aluminum, plastic or steel endplates are then attached. Some are co-extruded as mating halves and are screwed, snap or slide together. Partial profiles are used with an open side as well as the ends where you attach a cover or a circuit board to the open side. Being extruded, channels, ledges, fins and other features are easily formed along the length; requiring little machining. After fabrication and cleaning, these enclosures can be painted. These enclosures can be very strong and durable providing structural strength, shielding, heat sinking as well as appeal. Extruded Aluminum Enclosures, Extruded Aluminum Boxes An Extruded Aluminum Enclosure gives you the ability to have looks as well as full function and protection of your product. Extruded Aluminum Enclosures, Aluminum Boxes for Circuits

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