Electronic Test Leads, Scope Probes and Clips


Test Leads, Oscilloscope Probes and adapters are the backbone of any electronics R & D or test Lab. Without meter, scope and an assortment of various length and sized alligator Clip Leads, Micro clips, Banana plug cables, Meter leads, Scope Probes and solderless breadboard jumpers; no research, repairs or testing can occur. Included in any conversation about Test Leads and Probes, we must mention some of the adapters you will need: BNC-Female to Banana Plugs, BNC-Male to Banana Jacks, Banana Plugs to Binding Posts and Safety Banana Plugs to Banana jacks. Every engineer and Tech. needs to have an assortment of Test Leads including stackable Banana Plugs, Banana to Binding Post adapters, Banana to BNC Adapters, short, medium (24”) and Long (36”) stackable Banana Test leads in at least 3 colors, 36” long BNC to mini Clips and Alligator Clip Test Leads and Meter probes with both Safety & regular Banana Plugs and at least a couple sets of 1X and 10X or Switchable 1X/10X scope probes with all their accessories. For high voltage, Test Leads and Probes need to be rated for at least the maximum expected. Any design, testing or repair of high speed Digital circuits, Switching Power Supplies, Audio, video and RF equipment necessitates the use of Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, Waveform & Digital Pattern generators. In these applications you will require shielded 50 ohm coaxial jumper cables with usually BNC connectors on both ends, some BNC to Banana on one end and several with micro clips on the end. Since most scope, Oscilloscope Probes and test equipment have 50 ohm inputs/outputs; A good idea is to have 50 ohm attenuators & terminators and various between series RF and CAT5 adapters. Even a couple 75 ohm coaxial cables is a good idea if working with TV systems. Several sets of Test Meter probes are a must. You can get meter probes in different lengths and probe tips, some sets come with banana plugs, alligator clips, lugs etc. that fit the probe tip. You should have several Oscilloscope Probes; at the very minimum a pair of switchable 1X/10X at least 40MHz for audio and video and 250MHz for most RF & digital. Remember to watch the voltage rating of the probe(s), AC ratings include any DC present and can change between 1 & 10X. We stock Scope Probes rated up to 2KV. When using Solderless Breadboards (See our breadboards under “Circuit Boards”); you will need various short pin-pin jumpers as well as the above Test Leads, Probes and Adapters to connect to your power supplies and meters. Electronic Test Leads, Oscilloscope Scope Probes and Clips Browse our selection of Electronic Test Leads, Oscilloscope Scope Probes and Clips where you are sure to find the Electronic Test Leads, Oscilloscope Scope Probes and Clips you need. Electronic Test Leads, Oscilloscope Scope Probes and Clips

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Set of 5 - Copper Alligator Clip Leads - 20in.
Set of 5 - Copper Alligator Clip Leads - 20in.

Item #: 37035 TE
SMD Test Clip Leads, 9in. 10 Pack Red
SMD Test Clip Leads, 9in. 10 Pack Red

Item #: 32720 TE
Small Red & Black Test Probe Pair
Small Red & Black Test Probe Pair

Item #: 35427 TE
35mm alligator clip to 4mm banana plug
35mm alligator clip to 4mm banana plug

Item #: 38265 TE
Alligator Clip Leads, 16AWG 4pc.
Alligator Clip Leads, 16AWG 4pc.

Item #: 33161 TE